CHED-CAR UniFAST Orients TDP-TES Grantees of BSU
By: Delaila Irma T. Calindas, Project Technical Staff II
In another boost to champion accessible and relevant education services in the Region, the CHED-CAR UniFAST team led by Ms. Menzie O. Kuengan, OIC – Chief Education Program Specialist, and Dr. Bernadette C. Pal-ec, UniFAST Focal Person, visited Benguet State University (BSU) for the conduct of orientation for its Tulong Dunong Program (TDP) grantees on April 17, 2023, at BSU Closed Gymnasium, La Trinidad, Benguet. A total of 370 grantees attended the said program and were oriented on the different provisions of their financial assistance.
Mr. Joefrence S. Yangyang, Regional Coordinator, presented the overview of RA 10931, or the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act. He also conveyed updates on the quest for the autonomy of the Region. This was followed by a discussion on the roles and responsibilities of TDP Grantees by Ms. Ana Grace P. Salibad, Regional Coordinator. Further, she presented the different project initiatives of the Regional Office that the TDP grantees need to comply with.
The Regional Office acknowledges the hard work and efforts of the Office of Student Services and Student Scholarships and Grants Unit of BSU for organizing the said orientation program.
The TDP-TES is a financial assistance program under UniFAST intended for qualified ongoing College students. To know more details about the financial assistance programs under UniFAST, visit unifast.gov.ph.