• Km. 6, Cabanao, Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet

SEED Project

Among the strategic objectives of the Regional Office is to promote excellence in client service through convergence and good governance and organizational development. Having this aim at heart, the UniFAST Unit started the SEED Project or the Skills Enhancement and Employee Development Project last 2021 accomplishing a total of nine (9) episodes focused on enhancing the skills needed by the employees to better improve their work productivity and professional development as a whole.


The SEED Project is anchored on the following provisions that justify the conduct of the project as important. Strategic Goal No. 5 of the Commission on Higher Education is anchored on “Increasing the resiliency and innovativeness of CHED.” As an objective and action, CHED Officials and Employees are expected to upgrade their competencies through the provision and participation of/to advance graduate studies, short-term training, and conference.

Consequent to this, the project is also anchored on the Commission’s Strategic Objective No. 2 on “Promoting excellence in client service through convergence and good governance and organizational development.” As a realization of this objective, the conduct of skills enhancement endeavors is an essential element as assurance of the delivery of a quality and excellent public service.

Included in the 10-point Agenda of the Regional Office (coined as CORDILLERA) are the following objectives: 1) Create an Environment for Optimum Learning, 3) Respond to the Regional/National Human Resources Development, and 7) Lead the HEIs in the Region in their Quest for Quality and Excellence. The project intends to provide an avenue to foster learning amongst the employees and UniFAST Focal Persons of the Region. Also, the project provides the opportunity and knowledge for its target beneficiaries to develop and strengthen the necessary skills to gain, maintain, and advance their tasks, fixated on achieving quality and excellence.

With its quest in achieving excellence in client service and maximizing human resource of the Regional Office, it is necessary that employees must be provided with adequate seminars or trainings aligned with the overall quality effort. As partners in the delivery of accessible and universal quality tertiary education, UniFAST Focal Persons must also be involved and engaged in the project to ensure expected performance.

With these provisions and objectives, the project is then deemed salient as the aims to provide learning interventions to the employees that they can apply to their tasks to reach peak performance. Through effective skill enhancement, employees can become more capable, competent, confident in themselves and their performance and are better able to reach the goals they set for themselves.

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